Following the very successful trial and implementation of Tersano Stabilised Aqueous Ozonated Water (SAO) at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital and Medical Centre, their environmental services group recently installed their second Tersano LotusPro dispenser and SAO24 Cartridge.
Next time you're at Novena, stop over to Mt.E and see how clean and fresh their facility is. From their granite floors, to stainless steel lift doors, to the huge expanses of glass, Tersano SAO has proven that it can Clean, Sanitise (up to 99.999% pathogen kill rate), and Deodorise as effectively as most of their chemicals. Mount Elizabeth is achieving their environmentally friendly goal of reducing chemical waste and pollution while also saving money. Tersano Stabilised Ozonated Water has the same pH as tap water, and the same MSDS as Tap Water - meaning that when discharged into their drains, Tersano reverts back to plain water. No pollution, no toxic chemical runoff, no impact whatsoever of Singapore's fragile water table 2/12/2019 05:18:00 pm
Hi, 2/12/2019 06:54:58 pm
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